kids story
Written by Malaika Shahab


Currently In Middle School.

Kids Story | Those Two Men | Kids Corner

Sep 29, 2020 | 0 comments

This kids story starts in the afternoon. I was riding my bicycle in my compound on a sunny afternoon, all alone, when I heard some footsteps coming towards me. “Thump, Thump, Thump” it went. As I listened to those footsteps, I turned around to see what it was. What I saw was just air. That made me very frightened because the air does not walk, but I just continued to ride my bicycle.

But just then, I heard the same sound again. “Thump, Thump, Thump” it went. This time I was more frightened than before, and I shouted, “No one can touch me or even come close to me!” Everything went so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

I turned around to see what was going on, and I saw two men were following me. They were wearing masks and a black coat.
And they started to walk towards me, and I kept walking backward. My heart started hitting so loudly that I could hear it in my ears.

I left my bicycle and “Whoosh!” I ran as swift as my legs would take me. Those two men suddenly stopped in front of my backyard’s door where I wanted to go in from.

Luckily, I saw my friend going to her house. I ran towards her home and in her place. She got surprised when I came in like a tornado. I banged the door shut and quickly explained the whole story, but I saw my mum over there just as I walked towards the living room.

Then I remembered that today I was supposed to be at my friend’s house for a night. Clearing my thoughts, I ran towards my mum, hugged her, and told her the same story, which just happened to me.
We made sure those two men were gone, and we went back home.

I knew this wouldn’t happen again and was glad to think of it, but I wrote about this in my journal. But, i was about to go and have a snack when someone tapped my forehead. I got scared all over again but realized that my twin sister and brother were tapping me and talking loudly just in time.

When I opened my eyes, they said that I had fallen asleep while playing Ludo. “Oh!” A grin arose on my face as I recalled my adventure and told this kids story to my exited five-year-old siblings.



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