Systolic And Diastolic Heart Failure

Oct 13, 2020 | 0 comments

Heart failure is a serious and long-term worldwide public health issue. It is more likely to happen as you age but everyone can develop heart failure. One in five-person suffered from systolic and diastolic heart failure during their lifetime. Also, it remains one of the leading causes of hospitalization not only in old ages but among elders too. In contrast, you can live a healthy life with heart failure too by adopting proper precautions.

Conceptualize Systolic Vs Diastolic Heart Failure

Diastolic vs systolic heart failure also called left ventricle heart failure because it affects the left side of the heart. However, this is the stage in which the heart pumping less efficiently and doesn’t reach the required level which keeps us healthy. There can be two types of heart failure that can occur which are systolic and diastolic heart failure.

·        Systolic Heart Failure

Is the condition in which the heart is not well contracting during heartbeats? The heart can’t pump with enough force to push the required amount of blood into circulation. Systolic heart failure can be acute or chronic. When heart failure occurs suddenly and considers a medical emergency, this called acute systolic heart failure. However, chronic heart failure generally caused due to any other multiple heart conditions like blood pressure, a damaged heart, and the coronary artery.

·        Diastolic Heart Failure

Is the condition in which the heart is not able to relax between the beats . It will remain on the contracting stage which causes stiffness in heart tissues. Therefore, if the heart can’t fully relax, it can’t be ready for the next beat as blood is absent in the heart. Diastolic heart failure mostly occurs in women.

What are The Symptoms of Systolic and Diastolic Heart Failure?

According to ICD 10 Systolic and diastolic heart failure symptoms almost the same which includes:

  • Sudden or irregular heartbeat
  • Tiredness or sickness
  • Shortness of breath during laying down
  • Inflammation in legs and feet’s
  • Unable to do physical activity like exercise
  • Continuous cough or wheezing
  • Increase in night urination
  • Abdomen swelling
  • Rapid weight gain
  • Lack of appetite and nausea
  • Chest pain


What Are The Complications For Diastolic And Systolic Heart Failure?

There can be several complications associated with diastolic and systolic heart failure.  Like, our kidney can also be affected by heart failure. Heart failure reduces the flow of blood towards the kidney. The results, eventually cause kidney failure which is untreatable. There is the only treatment for kidney damage is consistent dialysis.

Systolic and diastolic heart failure can also affect the liver as heart failure can build up liquid that creates too much pressure on the liver. This liquid backup can lead to damage, which makes functioning more difficult for the liver. Additional complications may include valves and rhythm problems in the heart. The heart valve which keeps blood in proper direction, may stop working or doing work not properly if the heart becomes expand or in case the pressure on your heart doubles due to heart failure.

Similarly, heart rhythm problems can also be a potential complication of heart failure. These complications can be overcome with proper treatment and precautions. However, systolic heart failure can be life threading.

Risk Factors For Diastolic And Systolic And Heart Failure

A single Risk factor for ICD 10 Diastolic heart failure may be enough to cause heart failure but a combination of factors can increase the risk of heart failure due to other medical conditions which include:

  • High blood pressure, in which your heart works more than it has to be
  • Diabetes also may increase the risk of high blood pressure which leads to heart failure
  • Another risk factor may be the narrowing of the arteries which limit the oxygen-carrying blood to the heart which causes weakness of heart muscles. This condition is known as coronary artery disease.
  • Tobacco use can increase the risk of systolic and diastolic heart failure
  • Excessive use of alcohol may lead to heart failure
  • obesity is the key reason for heart failure so, obese people have a higher risk

Preventive Measures

Systolic and diastolic heart failure is a worldwide problem. We can’t treat it properly but can take precautions for reducing the risk of complications. Besides, we take prevention by adopting healthier lifestyle changes and side by side taking required medication too.

In the same way, healthy life changes which can help to get rid of the complications may include quitting smoking,  try to control diabetes and high blood pressure by avoiding the stress-provoking situations,  doing exercise to being physically healthy, try to avoid oily or fatty food.

Besides, try to make healthy nutritional food for maintaining a healthy weight. Avoid taking processed meat, frozen food, salted nuts, or restaurants’ food. For taking accurate precautions in case of heart failure, there is a need to maintain optimal sodium level which is 1500 mg consumption per day. This level varies from person to person so, you should concern with the doctor for setting accurate amount which depends upon the stage of heart failure, your kidney functioning, and blood pressure.

Read More: “Habits To Improve Your Life | 14 Healthy Habits

If heart failure is due to kidney problems that need to intake a low potassium diet which includes mushrooms, spinach, and bananas. Also, if diastolic and Systolic heart failure is due to diabetes should be limiting the intake of high food like sugar, fat, and cholesterol. 4However, this is based on one’s medical history that which type of diet is the best potassium or sodium.

In conclusion, diastolic and systolic heart failure is an issue, we can’t escape from. But there is not a big deal if we take proper precautions. If want to live a healthy life, then need to intake nutritional food with an appropriate level of sodium and potassium. Should avoid smoking and tobacco use. Do exercise n a daily basis, as it keeps us physically fit. If you are diagnosed with heart failure you may have at risk for certain other medical and mental health conditions. So, you have to be in contact with your doctor for guidance about the issues you suffered.



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