How to earn revenue from a blog is a query. That comes to the mind of everybody, especially during the pandemic time of COVID-19. The digital world swiftly changes after the...
RECLAIM YOUR HEART by Yasmin Mogahed so i am reading this book called reclaim your heart by Yasmin Mogahed that has already got my heart and showing me a complete different...
common habits of successful people
Common habits of successful people “Habits decide your future” Tajdar Hyder The most important habit is to live...
What is urban archeology? It deals with the study of living towns and cities.
What is urban archeology? Urban archeology is simply a archeology that takes place in city environment. What is Urban...
Difference Between Yoga and Pilates-Know Which Is Better
What is difference between Yoga and Pilates? We often look for exercises and workouts to help us shape and keep our...
Parenting Styles And Their Effects – Authoritative Parenting
If you are curious about different parenting styles and their effects then your thirst is going to end. As in this...
Bright Future |How Your Present Will Transform Your Life
Why think of past or a bright future when you have the present in front of you!!! Eckard Tolle, the author of the...
Habits To Improve Your Life | 14 Healthy Habits
Do you know that healthy habits can improve your life style. So in this article, I have gathered 14 healthy habits to...
Why people give up on their goals?
After setting a goal in your life, you have two options. Either pick yourself up to the success or give up. Sadly,...
How To Inculcate Positivity In Your Life
A good book can change your life forever If you are looking for a book which will uplift your mood and boost your...
Procrastination | How To Deal With It
Procrastination sneaks upon us all. What is the science of procrastination, and what are the actionable advice to...
Women Empowerment For Betterment
Women empowerment is for betterment. A woman is an expert who shapes the life of human-being. She shares a significant...